Top settlement services for you

Date: July 2024

Compass to Connect is partnered with several service providers who can assist you in finding the right program where you get your first Canadian work experience, apply for certificate programs, and receive referrals to other programs based on your need. Sign up for an opportunity to increase your family income with Sewing and alteration program for Newcomer Women

  • Employment Information and Referrals

    Meet with someone who can provide you with information on employment in Canada or work with someone to meet your employment goals

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    Give back to your society and gain Canadian experiences through volunteering. This will help you understand the Canadian work culture and allow you to practice your technical and communication skills.

  • English Language Training - LINC classes

    This is a free program designed to help newcomers improve their overall communication skills and help them become more engaged within their communities

  • Education Information and Referrals

    General information about various resources, school and tips regarding education. Learn more about Canadian culture in schools and the different types of education you can receive.

  • Dealing with Stress

    Moving and resettling in Canada can be stressful. Access the resources available to individuals who are dealing with stress and would like to help

  • Rural Business Development Initiative

    This is a program designed to assist newcomer entrepreneurs, investors, developers, and other business-minded individuals develop businesses outside of the Greater Toronto Area. Newcomers entrepreneurs within the GTA will be connected with rural business opportunities.

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